Welcome RCAI Member!

Welcome Railroadiana Collectors Association Inc. member. We here at Rail & Road sincerely appreciate your support of the RCAI and of Rail & Road Auctions. We believe that it takes strong clubs and organizations to promote the hobby we enjoy so much.
As promised you’ll find early exclusive photos of some of the treasures coming to the May 9th and 10th Rail & Road Auction
If you’re ready to consign your railroadiana to an auction company that truly understands railroading and railroad collectibles, then your journey starts here. Please fill out the contact form to the right and Rail & Road President Derek Thomas will contact you in a timely fashion regarding your inquiry. Our job at Rail & Road is to partner with you to create a successful auction for your collection. You are also welcome to call Derek at 765-412-7926 or email him at RARauctions@gmail.com
When you contact us, please be sure to mention that you’re an RCAI member!